Saturday, 21 December 2013

The Unsearchable way

A big thank you goes to Mike and Will from A Podcast to the Curious ,the podcast dedicated to The stories of M.R.James,for using the image below on their site for their coverage of 'An Evenings Entertainment'.
Thanks also for the mention on the podcast and the link to this site .

The Unsearchable Way (A Warning to the curious)
The podcast is a wonderful source of information for anybody interested in James ,and the readings are very well done .I have been a big fan of this podcast since the 'Lost Hearts' episode 2 (if memory serves).
The background information on each story is always very informative,and Mike and Will manage to dissect the stories without 'Over doing it '. So if you haven't yet discovered the podcast or aren't familiar with M.R James ,why not pop over to their site to see what you've been missing at
I am currently in the process of making some small changes to this site,because i have noticed that this is the one that people seem to find .This site started off as a showcase for Artwork influenced by Mike Bennett's excellent stories ,and although the vast majority of the Work on the site is still influenced by Mike ,this work  accounts for a fraction of my output ,so it may be time to use the site to show some of my other stuff .So slight changes to the header  ,little tweaks here and there and some different images showing up in the Future .There, that wasn't so bad was it ............