Sunday, 2 September 2012

Mike Bennett Award Winner

Congratulations to Mike ,for he has won a Parsec Award ! Finally getting the recognition his brilliant U&F deserves.Underwood and Flinch has always been gripping well written stuff ,but i also feel that the Acting and the production of this podcast has been of a higher standard than many of Mike's contemporary's .
So 'All Hail!' Mike ....Parsec winner !

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Underwood ,Lifeblood

Inspired by the events in Episode 44 ,This is an illustration that uses Tinted charcoal ,a medium i've been using a lot of late.The image of Underwood is loosely based on a photo of Herbert Huncke an image that has fascinated me since i first saw it many years ago .(See Below )
Herbert Huncke
In Underwood lifeblood i have tried to recreate the moment that Miguel's blood starts to take effect ,the touch of red around the eyes and mouth allude to something stirring ,a life force if you like, something Fragile yet all powerful ,stirring from within the near corpse like Underwood .Driven by Mike's  Remarkable writing he creates a real sense of tension in this episode as we are driven along to the fast approaching climax to Underwood and Flinch. Underwood,lifeblood is available as a free High res. Download from my DeviantArt Page .Just click on the link at the top of the page .

Sunday, 22 January 2012


You know how it is,you wait (?) months for something new to appear At The Darkest Edge then 3 appear at once .....These pictures are collage's created  from my collection of U&F Based sketches /unfinished paintings .Cut up,rearranged,added to stuck down etc .In short, recycled to create new work .I like the idea of discovering an abandoned piece of artwork cutting it up adding it to another forgotten bit and a brand new idea being formed .Never throw anything away !!!
Also a big thanks to Jon Cape for posting another collage 'Journey to the centre of the inkster's Hitlerian Parody 'on his wonderful Inksters Imaginarium site.You can find the Fantastic U&F inspired Hitler Parody video there, as well as a wonderfully Dark selection of Jon's work .Just pop over to .But take a torch ,it's Dark in there !!
